Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Home Again--Life's Journey Continues

Back home again in the Great Northwest! It’s hard to believe that it has been two weeks now since we crossed the finish line in Washington, DC. The re-entry has been quite surreal, with periodic thoughts that the Ride was a dream, or an out-of-body experience that I’ve been watching from the sidelines. As promised (or threatened) here is my last entry on the 2007 Big Ride Across America blog. I was hoping to have some grand revelations and epiphanies to share with you in this last entry. While they are light on the “grand,” here are some things that I learned (or re-learned on the 48-day voyage) that have been rattling around my foggy brain since the legs stopped cranking a fortnight ago.

I have never been an athlete, so I never really experienced the totality of being “in the zone” during an athletic event. I don’t want to diminish the importance of physical training. The 1,600 miles that I rode this year before the Big Ride began undoubtedly helped me face the challenges along the way—particularly the hill climbing and century rides. What I didn’t realize was the extent to which my mental focus developed and expanded in the early weeks of the Ride. This focus put out of my mind any thought that was inconsistent with, not supportive of, or a drain of mental energy from achieving the goal of reaching Washington, DC. This focus became more and more acute as the ride went on, as did its importance. One of the many gifts provided by the Ride was the intense sense of the present—the NOW. Each moment brought its own challenges and offerings. “Tomorrow” or “next Thursday” was not very relevant in facing and embracing the day to day ride experience.

There were definitely days or moments that you just didn’t feel like riding, or, reached a certain point along a day’s ride (say mile 72 of a 110 mile day when the temperature hits three digits and you’re just out of gas) when you think to yourself: “OK, that should do it for today…time for a cold one and a nap”—and you want to stop. You can’t. You don’t. You just keep on riding. This was to become a metaphor for life and the many courageous people I met on the ride—teammates, support staff, and everyday people we encountered along the way—who had recently battled and transcended (or are still fighting) serious life-threatening illnesses or facing other major life challenges and crushing losses. They heroically “just keep on riding” –even when there are times they feel that they just can’t. I have been humbled and inspired.

People frequently have asked “How on earth do you ride 3,300 miles?” The analogy talked about on the Ride was “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” It sounds glib and trite, but it’s true. One needs to quickly jettison the thoughts of this being a 3,300 mile ride in 48 days across this vast and immense nation. The concept is just too overwhelming. Part of the focus mentioned earlier is that there are 40 individual day rides. The goal of each ride is to complete X miles, safely and, hopefully, enjoyably—then live to ride another day—then start a new ride all over again.

Most people mean well and want to do the right thing. Their motives are usually pure, although their methods and means may at times seem questionable. The ability to consistently give other people the benefit of the doubt when things (large and small—usually small) start to go sideways--and manage (and regularly adjust) expectations-- is critical to completing and enjoying the Big Ride.

I was privileged to have participated in this truly grand adventure. What makes up a grand adventure? Of course it’s different for everyone, but for me for an adventure to be "grand" it has to have sufficient unknowns, risks, challenges, fun, laughter, and feelings of well-being, joy, pain, and discomfort. It must nourish the body, spirit, and soul, and hopefully "make a difference" in some small way. This was one.

I am eternally grateful to have experienced the Big Ride Across America, including the many weeks of preparation and fundraising leading up to it and the Ride’s impact on how I navigate life from this point forward. First and foremost, I thank my best friend and life partner Betsy, and my tremendously supportive son Eddie, daughter Becca, sisters Paula and Karen, and all my dear friends and extended family members. All have been wonderful. I want to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my ride sponsors, and the many who have offered their well wishes and encouragement for the months preceeding and during the Ride. My sponsors have truly made a difference with their generous financial support of ALAW's lung health and clean air programs.

A huge gear-truck-load of thanks to my fantastic Big Ride Teammates; our outstanding Support Crew; and all of the incredible people I crossed paths with across this great and beautiful country—my Ride experience was richer because of you.

Finally, I thank my dear, departed Dad Ed, who gave me so much in his brief but full life. His spirit was my inspiration throughout the ride. Thanks are not sufficient to express my feelings of gratitude to my beloved Mom, Eleanor. Everyday I realize and rediscover strengths and gifts she has given me to face life, and challenges like the Big Ride. When my Dad suddenly passed on many years ago and left her with three very young children, she truly taught me the meaning of “you just keep on riding—and living, and loving.”

To the readers of this Blog, thanks for visiting over the past few months, offering your words of encouragement, and putting up with my so-called jokes and musings. I’ve heard some of your groans many miles away. But as Martha Stewart would say, “That’s a good thing.”

In love and friendship…until the next adventure,


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 48--The Last Day's Ride to the Promised Land-and the Finish Line!

We left our camp at Clarksburg a bit earlier than usual to meet the tight scheduling of the DC arrival festivities. For me it meant kicking up my pace a couple of more notches than usual. Though not Pennsylvania grades, the hills were fairly challenging on this short, 57-mile final leg into DC. There were no "gimmes" here on the last day. We quickly rolled though suburban Montgomery County, rapidly crossed the DC beltway (I-495), then abruptly found ourselves on the Capital Cresent Trail for about 7 miles. For those from the Seattle area, this trail is like the Burke-Gilman on serious steroids or perhaps more appropo, the San Diego Freeway. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and a fire hose-like rush of hundreds of bikers and joggers were weaving and passing each other in both directions at warp speed. About halfway along the trail, we crossed the line into the District of Columbia! The adrenalin was really pumping.

By around 10:30 am we passed the Watergate and Kennedy Center and found ourselves navigating the streets around the National Mall, dodging tourists and tour buses--trying to find the Food Pavilion at the Old Post Office. There, Costas, a former Big Rider, hosted our team at his Greek restaurant. We dined on Souvlaki, Spanokapita, and Baklava, and began our goodbyes and picture taking. Thank you Costas!

After lunch, from the Old Post Office, Minnesota Vern, New Jersey Barry, and I were requested by our support crew to stage the flow of finishing riders for the final leg of the ride to the park across from the Lincoln Memorial. Vern, Barry, and I then rode in last to the finish line area. The final few blocks were a blur--with a couple of minor, wrong turns--and a quick recovery by all.

The finish was an amazing feeling, rolling through the well wishers...looking for, and immediately riding past my own wonderful pod of Betsy, our son Eddie, and dear friend Celia (all pictured with me).

There was a brief closing ceremony with one of the national leadership of the American Lung Association, Pollie McCloskie our Ride Director, and our entire Ride Team.

After more well wishes and meeting family members and friends of other riders, Betsy, Eddie, Celia, and I took a few pics and walked back to the hotel.

Whew! Pretty surreal.

What an experience!!

I will be doing one last update to this blog over the next few weeks to try to capture some of my reflections. I am still digesting all that has occurred on this incredible biking adventure...and what I have learned (or re-learned) about this wonderful journey called life.

I am overwhelmed with gratitude and thanks to my wonderful family, dear friends, generous sponsors, and unwavering supporters for your love and encouragement every step of the way.

I dedicated my ride to my long-departed Dad, Ed Minkoff. His spirit was clearly there with me.

The journey continues,


Days 46 & 47--From the Ghosts of Gettysburg into the Land of Mary

Day 46 (August 9) in Gettysburg was our last rest day. I wimped out and got a hotel room at the TraveLodge, four blocks from the camp at the local middle school. It was a typical rest day...laundry, naps, and a little sightseeing.

A few more gusty, thunderstorm fronts blew through. A group of us met Brack and Jean Anne Hattler at the Gettyburg Hotel for dinner. It was wonderful seeing them both since they had to leave the Ride in South Dakota. Brack seemed to be healing well from the accident--both Brack and Jean Anne continue to be inspirational to us all with their positive energy, love, and support. They are a big part of the heart and soul of this team!

Gettysburg is truly a town of ghosts...both Union and Confederate. Here was the site of the bloodiest (most casualties) battle in US History--including the two World Wars. On our way out of town on Day 47 (August 10), an eerie fog hung over the Gettysburg National Cemetery and the site of Lincoln's legendary address (pictured). There were clearly many untold stories hanging heavily in the mist.

Through the fog and over rolling hills, eight miles into the day's ride, we crossed the Mason-Dixon Line--the historical dividing line between free states and the former southern slave states. There, teammate Arizona Kelly and I traversed the Pennsylvania--Maryland State line (pictured).

The remainder of the 54-mile ride was fairly uneventful, and quite hilly at the end. Once in Clarksburg, MD, we camped at a very beautiful and quiet county park and had a final dinner together at an area restaurant.

The adrenalin and anticipation was building.


Days 44 & 45--The Pop Quiz and The Final Exam

We left the tropical village of Confluence in the early morning of Day 44 for the 84-mile ride to Bedford, PA. Briefly jumping ahead, the very challenging ride on Day 45 from Bedford to Gettysburg is known in Big Ride Lore and Legend as "The Final Exam." Well if that's the Final Exam, then Day 44 is a tough Pop Quiz.

The Day 44 ride started in Confluence at an elevation of 1,353' above sea level, gently rising to 2,106' in 31 miles along the Allegheny Highlands Trail (pictured). This beautiful trail is, like the Youghiogheny Regional Trail the day before, is another abandoned railroad. The Allegheny Highlands Trail follows the beautiful Casselman River (pictured). Though the grades on both trails were not terribly challenging, negotiating their semi-hard surface with road bike tires was very energy-consuming. The surface was in fairly good condition with a thin top layer that had the consistency of kitty litter mixed with cookie dough.

Upon leaving the trail at mile 31, we soon climbed steeply to the town of Berlin, continuing to climb to about 2,800' to the 9/11 Flight 93 Temporary Memorial near Shanksville at mile 57. This very moving "people's memorial" is at the location of the crash of the plane that was intended to hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, but, through incredible bravery and fortitude, the crew and passengers overcame the hijackers and forced the plane down into this remote Pennsylvania area. Briefly visiting the memorial, reading accounts of what occurred, and surveying the surrounding area took my breath away and brought a tear to my eyes.

The climbing continued to mile 66 and the summit of the Allegheny Mountains (pictured). The rest of the ride was generally downhill to our camp at Bedford at mile 84. It was another hot, humid, and hilly tropical day in PA. The day's scenery was spectacular.

Having completed the Pop Quiz, I was ready to take the "Final Exam" on Day 45 from Bedford to Gettysburg. This ride was a century ride with a seemingly endless succession of amazingly steep grades to climb over its 105 mile route.

My right knee was healing and feeling well through the Pop Quiz Ride and I felt I was ready for "the Final." I don't have much to say about the day's ride to Gettysburg other than it lived up to its billing as the hardest day of the whole Big Ride--including any of days in the Rockies or Cascades. It included a 1,000 foot elevation gain in 5 miles, cross-crossing the Penn. Turnpike, and countless other inclines that just seemed to lead to more climbing. I reached the mountain lake (pictured) at Cowans Gap State Park at the halfway point (mile 52)--then gutted it out to the last water stop at about mile 75. From that point, there were rollers, then a gradual climb at mile 85, with a sweet downhill run into Gettysburg for the last 15 miles or so.

It was on my coasting downward that I realized that although there were two more riding days to go, the biggest challenges were over. I felt a huge wave of emotion--joy, gratitude, disbelief, and a feeling that my Dad's spirit was riding with me. At that very moment, I felt a cooling tailwind gently pushing me along to the ride's end at mile 105 in Gettysburg...and the last rest day for the body and soul before the final push to DC.


Days 42 & 43--Bye Bye Buckeyes, Hello Penns-hill-vania

At 6:30 am on Day 42 (August 5), we left New Waterford, OH for Washington, PA. The ride was fairly short that day (59 miles) but quite varied in a number of ways.

First, we had been riding through the agricultural heartland of midwestern America for several weeks--mile after mile of corn, soybeans, other vegetables and fruits, and dairy cows. Eastern Ohio was no exception as we continued through the rich and rolling farmland. We even passed the renowned agricultural icon "Manure Acres" (pictured), listed as a must-see in all the Fodors and AAA Guidebooks.

The previous day we caught our first real glimpse of America's industrial heartland, passing through once-bustling Warren, OH. Warren was once the home of the Packard Motor Car Company. Statues of the recognizable Packard hood ornament were well placed along the main drag, a symbol of an era long gone by. Just out of town we rode by an industrial area (pictured) featuring a Coke Plant (no soft drinks) and a steel mill. Today, following a long, steep, descent through a pretty wooded area, we rather abruptly found ourselves in the depressing industrial milltown of Midland, PA.

As we discovered at the Illinois-Indiana state line, there was no "Welcome to Pennsylvania" sign at the Ohio border, as the pavement condition changed on the descent. So, as a lame surrogate for a state line welcome sign, I offer the facade of the Midland, PA Post Office (pictured).

Leaving Midland, we crossed a bridge over the Ohio River that is closely flanked by two massive cooling towers of the local nuclear power plant. Our team was warned by the local police that we had better not take any pictures of the bridge or nuke, else our cameras would be confiscated by Homeland Security. Hence no pics here--please use your imagination.

Shortly thereafter, the terrain became much more hilly, and weather changed from warm and overcast to rain. Soon, lots of rain. Many of us spent some time at a local watering hole in Burgettstown (just 10 miles from camp) waiting for the heavy rain to let up a bit. It didn't let up much. The intensity slowed momentarily as I arrived in camp outside Washington, PA, and pitched my tent in the drizzle.

Day 43 was intensely humid and hot--almost tropical. The morning was warm and moist as we left camp and rolled through the town of Washington, up Beau Street (a street as steep as many in San Francisco), and out of town to join PA Bike Route S. We went through a beautiful county park complete with a postcard-quality covered bridge (pictured).

After rolling through the homely town of Monongahela and over the river of the same name, we soon hit the junction with the Youghiogheny (pronounced Yawk-a-genny) Regional Trail. We followed this bike trail, an old railroad right-of-way that hugged the pretty Youghiogheny River, for 52 miles. Over that distance we gained elevation from 769' to 1,353' above sea level--a very gradual rise.

We concluded the 92-mile ride that day at our camp at Confluence, PA. The air was hot and as laden with moisture as it could possibly be without raining. There wasn't a dry eye in the house...or a dry anything for that matter.

More to come,


Days 36,37, & 38--From Hoosiers to Buckeyes--and a Scare

We left Valparaiso for Kendallville early on Day 36 (Monday, July 30), our last full day in Indiana. This was a century ride and then some--flat, but very long. The scenery consisted of more corn and soybeans, with an occasional dairy cow herd to spice things up.

One thing that was very clear was that the citizens of Indiana wanted no part of the previously-reported merger of the states of Illinois and Indiana into a combined state of "Illiana." There appears to be a huge corn roots movement in Indiana to block the impending union of the two states. Hundreds of yard signs (pictured) proclaiming opposition to Illiana dotted the countryside. "We Hoosiers are not going to stand for this--it's a downright stupid way to solve people's problems with trying pronounce Illinoise (sic)," exclaimed Seymore Buttonwillow from nearby Meathook, IN. Judging from the passionate Hoosier forces against, I wouldn't put my money on the merger happening any time soon...and I've learned firsthand to never underestimate the power of a Hoosier once they have set their minds on something.

Great hospititality continued as Larry (pictured), a participant in the 1999 Big Ride Across America, put out a fantastic food stop along the day's route in his hometown of LaPorte, IN. [NOTE: While mentioning the wonderful hospitality and food in Minnesota last week, I neglected to mention the incredible dinner and desserts provided in Madison, WI by fellow rider Wisconsin Bob' s family and friends and the Wisconsin branch of Arizona Dan's family--many thanks to all! ]

Day 36 was a pleasant, long, humid scorcher. We concluded the day's 115 mile ride at our camp outside Kendallville, IN.

On Day 37, we entered the state of Ohio (pictured).The morning did not start well. On an early (and rare) hill, I downshifted into a lower gear halfway up. My chain slipped off and got jammed between the chainring and frame, causing the crank to suddenly cease turning. I had no time to uncleat my shoe and promptly fell over on my right side. Fortunately, there were no cars or bikes behing me. I did a quick assessment and saw that I had a couple of scrapes on my right knee. I put the chain back on, wiped off my minor abrasions and continued thinking about how easily I got off with that one. By the end the day's 73 mile ride to Napoleon, OH, I could barely bend my knee. I iced it down to reduce the swelling and tried not to think about the potential of having to stop riding. The next couple of days before the rest day would be touch and go.

Fortunately, the following day's ride (Day 38) between Napoleon and Sandusky, OH is the flattest day of the entire trip. I took it very slow and easy for the 90 mile ride and slogged through with lessened but continued stiffness. The true test would be the next day--from Sandusky to Burton, OH--with 60 miles of flats and about 35 mile of hills. I would then see if my knee was improving sufficiently to even think about taking on next week's very steep runs through the hills and mountains of Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio.

More to come,


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Gee this sounds familiar...Erroneous Triplicate Posting

As you may have noticed, my most recent blog update was posted three times (in triplicate). I have tried to delete the extra posts remotely through the PDA without success.

I will correct and remove the redundant postings as soon as I can get to a real computer. It may be a little while. Thanks for your understanding and for following the blog.


Days 39, 40 & 41--I've got this Erie Feeling and the Eastern Ohio Shuffle

The Day 39 ride from Sandusky to Burton, OH was fantastic. It was a 95 mile run that was about two-thirds flat land initially, with a 30-mile finale of steep hills and rollers going into Burton. Regarding my injured right knee, I had much more strength and range of motion in the morning starting out. The knee got stronger as the day progressed, and I was able to climb the hills late in the day with virtually no pain. With the rest day coming in Burton, I felt positive about my ability to take on the steep hills of eastern Ohio and hills and mountains of Western Pennsylvania.

The ride itself was quite interesting and varied. We first followed the south shore of Lake Erie over several rivers (such as the Vermillion River pictured as it flows into the Lake), through several towns and suburbs, then right into the heart of the City of Cleveland. After a majority of rural and small town riding since leaving Seattle, navigating the bike through downtown Cleveland was quite exciting, dodging buses, workers, and tourists. From downtown, we followed a beautiful parkway through the Case Western Reserve University campus and commercial area, then up through the older suburbs of Cleveland Heights and Shaker Heights. At that point, the high humidity gave way to heavy thunder showers and lightning as we followed the very hilly, forested, winding highway to the village of Burton.

I was thrilled to complete the day's course knowing that I could continue the ride to DC with confidence in my hill climbing, and enjoy the rest day in Burton. I was also excited to meet up with mom Eleanor and sister Karen who came in that evening from Detroit, and sister Paula and brother-in-law Brad who came to Burton from Granville, OH near Columbus.

We spent the rest day, Day 40, in Burton, a compact town with a town square...well an oval really. Mom, Karen, Paula, Brad, & I (all pictured) hung out at all the exciting town spots...Joel's Restaurant, Kogan's Village Eatery, and the Burton Laundramat (just me at the laundry).

Burton and many of the surrounding towns are home to several Amish farms and communities. Amish people traveling by horse and buggy are very common sights on the local roadways. It is considered bad form to take pictures of the Amish, though photographing one of their buggies with handsome beast of burden (pictured) is permitted.

We had some wonderful family time and lots of fun. I had a rejuvenating day off to prepare for the final eight days on the Ride.

Back on the road, the Day 41 ride took us 73 miles from Burton to New Waterford--our last camp in Ohio. The ride was hilly and beautiful through more Amish and Mennonite country. The right knee is doing well. Please knock on some wood for me. I am very thankful and fortunate that the knee injury was not more serious. Many thanks to my teammates and our support crew for their encouragement and support.

Onward to Pennsylvania. More to come.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Days 34 & 35--Crossing into Hoosier Land and a Rest Day

Day 34, the day before the rest day, has been long awaited by all. This was the last day of a 7-day stretch--the 13th out of the last 14 days where we covered over 1,000 miles. We were all tired and took it fairly easy on the tour to Valparaiso, IN (aka "Valpo"-rhymes with Alpo). The remaining fifty miles in Illinois was pretty standard fare--your corn, soybeans, car dealers, etc. At around mile 16 of the day, we did follow about 2 miles of the Historic Route 66 highway (that runs from Chicago to LA). On that stretch of road is the "Launching Pad Drive-In" with the statue of "Rocket Man" out front (pictured with me). After that stop, I couldn't get the Elton John song off my mind all day...and was reminded that Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your keeds (sic).

At about mile 50, we entered the great state of Indiana at State Line Rd. Much to our disappointment, there was no "Welcome to Indiana " or even an Indiana state line marker. Pennsylvania Floyd and I made do with a photo of the State Line (Road) sign and corn field in the background (pictured). You will have to trust me that this photo was indeed taken in Indiana.

I have since learned that the lack of a "Welcome to Indiana" sign is part of the planned two-year transition to combine the states of Illinois and Indiana into one state--Illiana. This little known change is quietly occuring behind the scenes, and will be complete by the end of 2009 when the state capital is moved (it has not yet been determined where). They are starting with dumpsters first (pictured), then going on from there. It makes a lot of sense. The states look essentially the same and they won't need signs on the border they used to share. Lincoln hung out in both states so there shouldn't be a problem with the license plates. As well, an unnamed spokesperson from the Illinois Department of External Pronounciation proclaimed, "We are thrilled. There will be no more rampant mispronounciation of our state name by people who are compelled to use the silent "S" at the end. This way, we get rid of the S and everyone is happy."

We concluded the day's ride of 87 miles, and the 7-day ride stretch, at Lankinau Hall Dorm, Valparaiso College. REST DAY!

Day 35 (July 29), the rest day has been great. Sleeping in till 7am, getting caught up on laundry, bike maintenance, and the blog. As well, I had a wonderful visit with Betsy's brothers Fred and Dan, and Fred's wife Teresa (pictured in front of the Porter County Court House--aka "the Porterhouse"?). We saw some of the sights around Valpo, including the Outhouse on the Middle School Roof.

Before closing, I would like to say a quick Indiana hello to Sandy Fletcher--a friend of my cousin Steve Boigon's. Sandy is a wholesale florist and avid bike rider. Keep on pedaling Sandy!

Onward and eastward tomorrow,


Days 32 & 33--Into the Land of Lincoln, Jake, and Elwood

We left our camp outside of Madison on Day 32 (July 26) , destined for Belvedere, IL. The morning temperatures were comfortable (70's), with high humidity and a warmer afternoon temps (upper 80's) to come. You could tell that all that moisture in the air was going to be a prelude to something--and it wasn't going to be dry.

Initially, the remaining countryside in Wisconsin was not quite as dramatic as the previous days, but with lots of cumulative climbing up and down rolling hills. There were lots of dairy farms (pictured). It soon became clear that while Wisconsin farmers generally treat their cows well, they really put their tractors up on a pedastal.

At about mile 55, we passed through unappealing Beloit, WI into even more unappealing South Beloit, IL. This state portal (pictured) proved to be the least inviting and definitely the wettest we've encountered to date. It began to pour rain heavily as we crossed the border. New Jersey Barry and I took refuge at the Firehouse Tavern in Roscoe, IL and had a warm cup of soup and a sandwich. The rain slowed a bit and we continued down the road into a our camp at Belvidere, IL, completing the 87-mile ride for the day. The private campground, outside of Belvidere, had a swimming pool and a huge roof shelter under which we all pitched our 4o+ tents. It was a good thing. We experienced torrential rains during the night--and stayed quite dry until....

On Day 33 (July 27), we left Belvidere for the twin cities of Morris and Coal City, IL.--another big century ride. It rained hard in the early morning, but changed into to a typical moist, hot, humid, midwest summer day. The terrain was mostly flat, with little elevation gain--and corn and soybean fields as far as the eye could see. Our 108-mile ride that day concluded at camp at the Coal City Club Park on the Illinois River. Only one more day before the rest day.

Onward and eastward,


Days 30 & 31 (Part II)--Into the Land of Milk and Honey--and Cheese and Beer

From the Myers' place in Dakota, MN, we continued down the Missisippi to La Crescent, MN, where we turned east to the bridge over the Big River and across the state line (pictured) into "America's Dairyland" Wisconsin and the city of LaCrosse. LaCrosse is the home of LaCrosse beer and the World's Largest Six-Pack (pictured) outside the brewery. For some reason, the town seems to be in a state of perpetual bliss.

Once out of blissful, but homely, LaCrosse, we entered the gorgeous, lush, hilly farm country of Vernon County in Southwest Wisconsin. It was fun, challenging riding with lots of elevation gain and truly spectacular scenery. I didn't want it to end. As a side note, the farmers in this area use a lot of contour farming methods which is not only a smart use of the land, but adds scenic patterns to the already beautiful country side (pictured). Our 70-mile ride ended at Viroqua, WI, a beautiful small town with a great organic food co-op for dinner.

On Day 31 (July 25), we left Viroqua for Madison, WI--a full century ride. The gorgeous, hilly terrain continued for about 30 miles, then flattened out the rest of the way into Madison. We wrapped up the day's ride of 112 miles at our camp in a rural area just outside of Madison. I am disappointed to report that since we did not travel through the center of Madison, I could not take a photograph of the Wisconsin State Capitol to post on this blog--and explain to you the origin of its name. I heard something about its being named for President James Madison. How far-fetched is that? Some people will believe anything.

More to come.


Days 30 & 31 (Part I)--Rollin' Down the River

We began Day 30, leaving the dorm in Winona, following beautiful US-61 along the Mississippi River on the Minnesota side. Gorgeous views were at every turn, with the tree-covered bluffs and river traffic (pictured) being a feast for the eyes. In Dakota, MN (at mile 20), we were again welcomed with a feast for our seemingly bottomless biker bellies. The wonderful Myers family (daughters pictured), and their parents, put out a warm show of support and fantastic food in their yard overlooking the Mississippi. They must have worked on preparing for this for many weeks. They have done this for every Big Ride group passing through each summer since 1998. Their strong support, encouragement, and warm spirit (and great food) were rocket fuel for the miles ahead. They lost their grandfather to emphysma a few years back and have a strong bond to the work of the American Lung Assn. A huge thank you to the Myers family!!

More on Days 30 & 31 to follow.


Days 28 & 29--Pass the Pie and Hold the Mayo

Following our rest day at New Ulm, we left for Owatonna, MN on Day 28 (July 22) . We rolled through the metropolis of Mankato on Sunday Morning. It was very quiet. By 9am, no one was up yet. Must have been a wild Saturday night in Mankato. We had easy rolling hills through the day, with a steep drop and rise into and out of the Minnesota River Valley. The wind finally shifted direction, as did our direction of travel--headwinds continued. After 75 miles, we arrived at the Steele County fairgrounds in Owatonna, our camp for the evening and teammate Vern's hometown. We were welcomed enthusiastically by a large group of Vern's family and friends. Vern's lovely wife Karen and several friends and relatives put out an incredible "tailgate spread" of pies (pictured) that had to be seen (and eaten) to be believed! Thank you Karen and FFOV (friends and family of Vern)!

That evening in Owatonna, the rain blew in in a succession of thunderstorms. My tent seemed to keep things pretty dry. The rain conveniently stopped for us to break down camp and have breakfast. As soon as I launched my Day 29 ride at 6:30am, the next wave of showers came through in a big way. I could barely see through my glasses. I was drenched. This was not Seattle-style mist. Fortunately, it stopped in about 30 minutes--followed by a huge rainbow, a good omen for the rest of the day.

By late morning, we rolled through Rochester, MN home of the Mayo Clinic (sign pictured), the Honest Bike Shop and Midwest Bail Bonds Co. (pictured, honestly), and Ane and Liz two of our Ride teammates. As in Owatonna, we were enthusiastically welcomed to Rochester by Ane's and Liz's families and friends with warm hospitality and great food (including custard squares and rhubarb pie). Thanks to all for the fine welcome! The tail end of the day's ride took us into the Mississippi River Valley, with beautiful hills and roads with tire-eating potholes. We wrapped up our 93 mile day in Winona, MN in style--at Winona Ryder State University (WRSU).

WRSU was one of the first colleges in the growing trend to offer naming rights to celebrities to augment university revenues--the only limitation is that the celeb's first or last name must already be in the name of the school. Recent school name changes have included Huey Lewis and Clark (& the News) College; the University of Brad Pittsburgh; Lucille Ball State University and Donna Reed College (the latter two were posthumously named). WRSU provided a nice dry place to dry out our tents and wet clothing--and another night of sleeping off the ground.

More to come,


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Days 25, 26, & 27--Got Corn and Lakes? You betcha.

On Day 25, we left DeSmet, SD for Tyler, MN. Happiness is South Dakota in my rear-view mirror--(as the country song sorta goes). Aside from the Black Hills and some wonderful people, it was time to mosey on down the road--to Minnesota. Before we leave SD, I must mention the great folks at Sioux River Cycle in Brookings (home of South Dakota State University) who provided us with ice cream and other goodies at our lunch stop at their shop.

Now...on to Minnesota..the mythical land of Lake Wobegon and Frostbite Falls. We crossed the Minnesota State Line (pictured) at mile 61 of the day. For some reason many of us were fantasizing that as soon as we crossed the state line, the winds would suddenly reverse direction--to blow out of the west--or at least stop. Au contrare. Right at the border in Minnesota we saw hundreds of gigantic, wind generator machines. Not a good sign. The wind continued. But, the temperatures were much cooler, and the scenery was much improved--lots of corn and lakes.

We rolled into Tyler, MN wrapping up our 80-mile day. Our camp was at Danebod Folk School, steeped in Danish history. A very homey place to hang out for the evening.

The next morning (Friday) marked the start of the last of our 6-day riding stretch from Rapid City. It has been a tough week. Everyone was greatly looking forward to the rest day in New Ulm starting Friday evening. Today was a glorious 90-mile ride. Temperatures were in the high-70's to low-80's. The topography became benignly midwestern with scenic rolling hills through the corn fields. The last major town on the day's trek before New Ulm was Sleepy Eye, MN.

Aside from its great name, Sleepy Eye has another claim to fame. One of its favorite sons, Linus Maurer (son of Nick and Ella), born and raised in Sleepy Eye, was close friends with Charles Shultz the creator of the Peanuts comic strip. Linus Maurer became the namesake of the character "Linus" in Peanuts [this is a true story]. A statue (pictured) and a plaque sit in front of the Sleepy Eye Public Library for all to view. Maurer's blanket is preserved in formaldehyde at the Brown County Historical Society [this fact may need some validation].

As if that weren't enough, outside of Sleepy Eye was the site of the first RFBD household--Rural Free Bass Delivery (pictured). You may recall their slogan "for people too busy to fish." Unfortunately, UPS, Federal Express, and the Internet have greatly contibuted to the demise of the RFBD service that has been so popular in Minnesota since the advent of refrigerated mailboxes.

We wrapped up the day's 90 miles in New Ulm, MN, staying at Martin Luther College at one of the dorms-- a nice change from sleeping on the ground. New Ulm is a neatly-ordered German community, with much Bavarian architecture. Not being a Teutonic kind of guy, it's not a place I would want to spend alot of time in, but the town was quite interesting to wander around.

Good friends Doug and Chris Allen from Dallas-Ft. Worth, and son Michael, were in Minneapolis today and drove to New Ulm to meet up with me. It was wonderful seeing them. We had a great lunch and walked some around the downtown. They left to catch a ball game in Minneapolis tonight (Twins and Angels)--and will then spend a week in Iowa visiting their families. Starting tomorrow, Michael will be riding in RAGBRAI--the Des Moines Register's Great Annual Bicycle Ride Across Iowa--Go Michael!

On another note, today (July 21st) is our wonderful daughter Becca's 24th birthday! Happy Birthday Becca!!

Tomorrow (Day 28), we are back in the saddle heading for Owatonna, MN (hometown of our team mate Vern); this will start a 7 Day stretch until the next rest day in Valparaiso, IN.

Throughout the ride, each of us continues to hear to from people along the way who have a connection to what we are doing--regularly reminding us of what the Big Ride is really all about. It may be a waitress in Wyoming who has lost parents to lung cancer, or a rural Minnesota couple with an asthmatic son--people who know the value of the programs of the American Lung Association and not taking lung health and clean air for granted. Again, many thanks to my wonderful sponsors and supporters! Your generosity and encouragement continues to be an inspiration to me, and helping me buck the the 4 H's.

Thanks for visiting. More later.


Days 23 & 24-- Little Bike on the Prairie

The 4 H's continued on Day 23. We left at 6:30 am for our 75 mile ride from Pierre, SD to Miller, SD. We slogged through the headwinds and humidity to Miller, a small, orderly town. The relentless winds and heat were challenging all riders. At the end of the day, some of us had dinner at a local cafe with a giant cowboy on the roof (pictured). When I saw that, I knew it was my kind of place! I had a wonderful dish of fresh walleye--a dish you just don't find on the west coast. After downing 6 big glasses of lemonade--continuous hydration--I headed back to camp. The heat continued--around 90 degrees at 10pm. It finally dipped into the lower seventies by 3am.

We left the next morning at 6:30am for DeSmet, SD. My energy and spirits were still up, as were the headwinds. By Huron, SD at mile 40, a huge thunderstorm roared through. The storm caught up with me at the checkpoint that happened to mark the "halfway point" (pictured) between Seattle and DC (approximately 1,700 miles)!

It was in just outside of Huron that one of our team mates, Brack Hattler, was injured in a bike accident. Fortunately, it was not life-threatening, but it was quite serious. Brack is back in Pittsburgh now, healing. We miss his (and Jean Ann's) comraderie and wish him a very speedy recovery!! We all think of him often and will continue to do so all the way to DC. He is definitely with us in spirit and always a part of our team!

We ended the day's 80-mile ride in DeSmet, a very pretty little town with a beautiful park to camp in. DeSmet is where Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House on the Prairie" is located. We walked by a museum and "the little house" (pictured). The rain really cooled things off and wrung out some of the humidity. I slept well in preparation for our last day in South Dakota. There is a fifth "H" that I neglected to mention--Hospitality. South Dakota is home to some very wonderful and hospitable people. The 4 H's must build character.

Onward to Minnesota!
